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Εstablishment and Modernization of existing Very Small, Small and Medium Sized Manufacture and Tourism Εnterprises

Τhe enterprise ENTERHOSPITALITY SINGLE MEMBER P.C, which is headquartered in the Region of Central Macedonia,  was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union for the implementation of its project under the Action
«Εstablishment and Modernization of existing Very Small, Small and Medium Sized Manufacture and Tourism Εnterprises» under the framework of the Operational Program «Central Macedonia» 2014-2020.


The action aims to assist small and medium-sized enterprises in implementing investment projects to increase competitiveness and in extension to improve their position in the domestic and international market.

investment’s total budget is 600.000,00€ out of which 270.000,00€  is public expenditure.  The Action is co-financed by Greece and the European Union – European Regional Development Fund.